24 January 2008
ISSUE No. 372
PUBLISHER CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
COPY EDITOR Laureen Bertin
OCCASIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Anthony Carlisle Carol Baloyi Ciara O'Sullivan Claudia Diez de Medina Jamie Baker Julia Sestier Katsuji Imata Karena Cronin Tania Gobena Peter Phiri Rasul Bakhsh Rais Vicente García-Delgado, Esq
ABOUT e-CIVICUS The CIVICUS weekly electronic publication is keeping tens of thousands of people informed of the developments taking place in civil society, the factors that are affecting them and the impact they are having on creating an informed and knowledgeable civil society.
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FROM THE DESK OF CIVICUS' SECRETARY-GENERAL Send your comments and contributions to editor@civicus.org.
Civil society heroes languish in prison for over two years By Kumi Naidoo, CIVICUS Secretary-General
Dear e-CIVICUS Subscriber, I write to you upon my return from Ethiopia where my colleague Julie Middleton from CIVICUS' Civil Society Watch programme and I were observing the verdict and sentencing of Daniel Bekele and Netsanet Demissie, and offering support to their families, friends and colleagues. As many of you already know, Daniel and Netsanet are both co-ordinators of the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) in Ethiopia. Aside from their work with GCAP, Daniel is also head of the policy department at ActionAid International Ethiopia. Netsanet is also the founder and co-director of a local human rights group: Organisation for Social Justice in Ethiopia. They were both detained early in November 2005. Their arrests came in the wake of demonstrations accusing the government of rigging the 15 May 2005 parliamentary elections - those protests were violently suppressed and 193 people, including six police officers, lost their lives. At the start of the trial in May 2006, 131 opposition politicians, journalists, civil society leaders and organisations stood accused of a range of charges from genocide to treason. Many of the accused were acquitted during the course of the trial. Others were convicted but pardoned in July and August 2007 after they had signed a confession, admitting use of "unconstitutional means to change the constitutionally established government functions" following the 2005 elections. Although they were asked to sign a similar statement, Daniel and Netsanet declined. They argued that their activities in 2005 were entirely legal and did not serve to undermine, but rather to protect and promote, Ethiopia's constitutional order. To read more on this week's column, click here. Davos and the power of collaborative innovation By Klaus Schwab On Wednesday 23 January, the World Economic Forum convene 2,500 leaders from industry, government, media, civil society and international organisations for its 38th annual meeting. They have travelled from 88 countries to arrive at this small alpine village. An obvious question to ask, particularly in an era of advanced communication, is why? What compels this diverse group to make this journey every year? While there is no single overwhelming rationale, the theme for this year's meeting, "The Power of Collaborative Innovation," offers the most compelling answer. A year ago, the "Shifting Power Equation" was the thematic framework in which the global agenda was examined in Davos. This power shift, driven by resource competition and capital flows linked to the rise of new economic powers, reflected growing unease about financial imbalances, job insecurity, regional rivalries and environmental pressures. To read more, click here . TerraViva at the World Social Forum 2008: a Global Day of Action and Mobilisation An Independent Publication of Inter Press Service (IPS) As part of the World Social Forum 2008: a Global Day of Action and Mobilisation will mobilise thousands of people around the world to march, speak, celebrate, and dialogue in villages, rural zones, and urban centres, in the context of hundreds of decentralised self-organised actions. They will mobilise over a one-week period in January, culminating in a Global Day of Mobilisation and Action on 26 January to show that Another World is Possible. IPS TerraViva has selected a team of journalists from around the world to cover the event. A virtual edition of the newspaper with global background articles, exclusive interviews and opinion columns written by renowned international figures is also available, click here. CIVICUS Poll Question This week's question:
Is the 2008 World Social Forum turning into an annual festival with limited social impact? To answer the question, click here.
Previous question: Will collective responses by civil society result in more positive results for citizens and civil society organisations in 2008? Results: Yes - 81%, No - 13%, Don't Know - 6% COUNTDOWN TO THE 2008 CIVICUS WORLD ASSEMBLY
Register now for the 8th CIVICUS World Assembly Deadline for Early Bird Registration: 1 February 2008 CIVICUS invites all members of civil society, donors, government, business and media to register for the 8th CIVICUS World Assembly, to be held from 18-21 June 2008 in Glasgow, Scotland . The dynamic and exciting programme will analyse major issues confronting civil society and through cross-sectoral collaboration seek solutions to promote sustainable change. Registration for the World Assembly has officially opened, so take advantage of the Early Bird discount. click here.
2008 CIVICUS Youth Assembly Deadline for applications: 31 March 2008 The CIVICUS Youth Assembly takes place from 16-21 June 2008 in Glasgow , Scotland and will build on the fantastic success of the 2007 Youth Assembly, with more extensive participation and even more delegate places. Delegates will again be assisted to attend, with accommodation, food, programme events and CIVICUS delegate fees sponsored. This year we are also delighted to offer a limited number of travel bursaries Space is limited, and delegate places will be awarded to the strongest applicants from around the world. For more information, and to check the conditions, click here. TELL A FRIEND ABOUT e-CIVICUS The e-CIVICUS newsletter keeps tens of thousands of people and organisations informed of the many developments taking place in civil society around the world. As a subscriber you know the value e-CIVICUS can bring to your work. So why keep it to yourself?
Do you have a friend who works for a more just world? Would you like to share this newsletter with them? Why don't you tell them to register for a free subscription?
They can send us an e-mail to subscriptions@civicus.org or fill out the subscription form, click here. Alternatively, please forward their e-mail address to KumiNaidoo.e-civicus@civicus.org and we'll contact them on your behalf. Please send us your contributions no later than Monday every week to editor@civicus.org. All contributions must be focused on civil society issues or have a civil society angle. e-CIVICUS DIALOGUES
BBC World debates transparency and sustainability reporting A special edition of The World Debate from the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland An interactive British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Debate moderated by Nik Gowing of BBC World Television and broadcast globally on BBC World will be hosted by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at The Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency. As opinion leaders and experts in this field gather in Amsterdam for GRI's conference, the BBC World Debate will ask both the reporting companies and the many different readers of these reports: How transparent are companies about their impact on the environment and society? And what will be expected of them in the future? For more information, click here. World Social Forum: Kenya's Forum to debate democracy By Kwamboka Oyaro Source: Inter Press Service (IPS) Before the Kenyan elections, civil society speakers warned that unless the elections were free and fair, violence was likely to erupt, as people would demand justice even through unorthodox means. This prediction has become reality: soon after incumbent Mwai Kibaki was declared winner of the 27th December elections, violence exploded in many parts of the country as people protested the win. Since then, the country has experienced ongoing street protests, violence and damage of property, including road and railway barricading. Over 600 people have died in post-election violence and nearly 500,000 are now displaced. The WSF had come up with practical suggestions through which the country could have avoided such a situation, but this was not taken on by the government. For more information, click here .
Evolving resistance movement in Pakistan By Rasul Bakhsh Rais, a professor of Political Science at the Lahore University of Management Sciences The resistance movement is still evolving, as scattered groups have to plan and organise beyond candle vigils and protest marches and think of sustaining resistance until real change comes about. It is going to be a long fight because those who might replace Musharraf come from the same old power cliques. Pakistan has been facing political turbulence since March 2007. Many Pakistanis, however, continue to wonder why there has been no change, and why President Musharraf, despite facing serious crises, including misrule, insurgency and shortages of food and energy, is still in office. For more information, click here . CIVIL SOCIETY NEWS
Civil society groups vow to remember Edsa 2 always in Philippine By Kristine L. Alave, Philippine Daily Inquirer Progressive groups and civil society organisations have vowed to always remember the 2001 EDSA 2 People Power uprising and do the opposite of what the Arroyo administration wants them to do. Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita has urged Filipinos to forget EDSA 2, the five-day protest rallies at the historic EDSA Shrine that put then Vice President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo into power after her predecessor, President Joseph Estrada left Malacañang on 20 January 2001 under a cloud of corruption allegations. The organisations said that "the call to forget EDSA 2 was a betrayal and an insult to the Filipinos who fought corruption in the government". For more information, click here. Transparency International chairperson meets with German Chancellor Source: Transparency International In a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Transparency International Chair, Huguette Labelle, stressed the important leadership role that Germany should continue to play regarding the implementation of the anti-corruption commitments made by the Group of Eight (G8) leaders at the 2007 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany ." Germany did an excellent job of managing the 2007 presidency and presided over some of the strongest anti-corruption pledges in a G8 communiqué to date," said Labelle. "We now hope that the German parliament swiftly approves legislation for an adapted paragraph 108e of the German criminal code, clearly prohibiting the bribery of parliamentarians, thus removing the technical roadblock to ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the only truly global anti-corruption instrument." For more information, click here. Civil society, political parties hail verdict in Bangladesh Staff Correspondent. The Daily Star Leaders of different political parties hailed a court verdict that acquitted Dhaka University teachers and students in connection with the August 2007 violence on campus, saying the judgment proved the teachers were absolutely innocent. They also said it was unfortunate that the four teachers and a student had been subjected to arrest and suffering. Welcoming the verdict, legal experts and civil society members urged the government to take immediate steps to address the remaining issues. They also held the government responsible for not handling such a sensitive affair in a thoughtful manner, saying that the ongoing demonstrations on the campus could have been avoided. Praising the verdict, Awami League Presidium Member Suranjit Sengupta said "all of them should be released". For more information, click here.
Anniversary of the murder of Hrant Dink in Turkey By Agnes Callamard, ARTICLE 19, Jonathan Heawood, English PEN and Henderson Mullin, Index on Censorship Demonstrations in Turkey marking the anniversary of the murder of Hrant Dink, the editor of the Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos and a brave advocate for the universal right of free expression, are a reminder that Turkey must urgently reform its penal code which brands those who speak out on certain subjects as "traitors" and makes them targets for extremists. After referring to the Armenian massacres of 1915 as "genocide", Dink was charged with "insulting Turkishness" under Article 301 of the Penal Code, and was shot by an ultra-nationalist outside his Istanbul offices on 19 January 2007. His son Arat, and the newspaper's owner were given suspended sentences in October last year. Writers, journalists and publishers continue to face charges under Article 301 and are subjected to threats and harassment. For more information, click here. Civil society Athlete of Year goes to Donald Thomas By Fred Sturrup World champion high jumper Donald Thomas was cited for his "world class" status on 18 January during the sixth Jones Communications Civil Society Awards Dinner. Thomas is the second Bahamian to emerge as world champion in the high jump (following Troy Kemp) when he sailed 2.35 metres at the International Association of Athletic Federations' World Championships in Osaka, Japan . For more information, click here.
Civic Forum for dialogue between authorities and society in Russia Source: ITAR-TASS, www.itar-tass.com Around 1,500 people attended the Civic Forum at Manezh Exhibition Center near the Kremlin in Moscow, the second time the Forum has met in Russia, and included members of the Public Chamber, representatives of non-governmental organisations and independent bodies of power. One of the goals of the Forum was to give recommendations to the president of Russia on relationships between the authorities and civil society: There are seventeen profile sections operating in the Forum's framework that discuss problems of social politics, the situation in respect to public control, the activities of law enforcement bodies, problems of health service and education and the role of civil society in the economy. For more information, click here .
Civil society making anti-retroviral drugs available to grassroots in Nigeria By Senator Iroegbu The current global trend promotes partnerships at all levels of society to ensure development. Co-operation and collaboration between all people and countries around the world is important for world prosperity and peaceful co-existence. A recent Action Aid Nigeria (AAN) report explains that civil society organisations (CSOs) in Nigeria have been very active and effective in reacting to the HIV/AIDS response since 1986. CSOs have been able to reach some of the smaller towns and villages which the larger organisations could not reach, which explains the wisdom in AAN's partnership. This is because of their community-based status where they are able to interact with the people at the grassroots level. For more information, click here .
Afghan journalism student sentenced to death for blasphemy Source: JURIST, Legal News and Research An Afghan journalism student charged with blasphemy was sentenced to death on 22 January following a recommendation from the Afghan Council of Mullahs. A panel of three judges found that papers printed from the Internet by 23-year-old Sayad Parwez Kambaksh, allegedly including discussion of women's role in society, insulted Islam and invoked Article 130 of the Afghanistan Constitution, allowing for execution consistent with Hanafi law. Kambaksh showed the papers to a university teacher and classmates, some of whom said Kambaksh wrote the document himself. It was not clear if Kambaksh had legal representation at the trial, and his trial date was not made public. He will remain in prison as the sentence is being appealed. For more information, click here. ACCOUNTABILITY
Wiki-platform to open for editing of world's dominant international corporate assurance standard Source: AccountAbility and openDemocracy On Monday, 28 January, the wiki-platform for the revision of AccountAbility's non-financial AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS) will open for editing, meaning that the first draft of the new second edition will be online and available for public review and comment. AccountAbility has chosen to use a collaborative wiki drafting process in order to address the key issues prevalent with all standards development processes, namely transparency and accessibility. Not only will the wiki-platform increase the transparency of the process as it allows users to see who has contributed what and when, but it will reduce costs associated with participation (such as traveling), and will ensure the process is open to thousands of individuals and organisations. To sign up to the wiki-process and help set the practice benchmark for non-financial assurance for the next 4 to 6 years, click here .
From Paris 2005 to Accra 2008: Will Aid become more accountable and effective? A critical approach to the Aid effectiveness agenda Prepared by International Civil Society Organisations Steering Group (ISG) This draft position paper has been prepared by the International CSO Steering Group (ISG) co-ordinating the "CSO Parallel Process to the Ghana High Level Forum Network". The ISG co-ordinating CSO Parallel Process to the Ghana High Level Forum network brings together various local, national, regional and international NGOs engaged in development issues, particularly the aid architecture and the aid effectiveness agenda. This network is involved in a multi-stakeholder process of engagement leading up to the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, to be held in Accra, Ghana , in September 2008, and the paper is to be presented to CSOs around the world for endorsement. The position paper will then be presented to the High Level Forum III where CSOs have requested to speak to the Ministerial meeting. For more information, click here .
AccountAbility and partners to launch Global Corporate Citizenship Report at WEF annual meeting AccountAbility The chief executive of AccountAbility, Simon Zadek, will be participating in the World Economic Forum's annual meeting on 25-27 January in Davos, Switzerland where AccountAbility, along with Business for Social Responsibility, Harvard University School of Government, the International Leaders Business Forum and the Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative Advisory Committee to the World Economic Forum will launch a report, 'Partnering to Strengthen Global Governance: The Leadership Challenge for CEOs and Boards', which builds on a previous report, 'Global Corporate Citizenship: The Leadership Challenge for CEOs and Boards' as part of the World Economic Forum's Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative. The report will be launched on 25 January and be available for download from the website. For more information, click here . GET INVOLVED! Join civil society stakeholder consultation High-Level Conference on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy From 15-16 February 2008, FAO will host a civil society stakeholder consultation in Rome as part of the preparatory process for the High Level Conference on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy to be held in Rome, 3-5 June 2008. In order to include a broad range of views and experience in the discussion process, the High Level Conference is encouraging the participation of civil society organisations and the private sector in separate stakeholder consultations. The consultation findings will inform the Expert meetings and Conference preparation process. This will be a unique opportunity for civil society to give its views on the complex relationships and strategic choices needed to keep food available and accessible, given the diverse impacts of climate change and bioenergy. For more information, click here . Join Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalisation Initiative By Mary Robinson, President, Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalisation Initiative The year 2007 was busy but rewarding at Realizing Rights. The Ethical Globalisation Initiative helped launch new projects to improve respect for the right to health in developing countries. It also worked to strengthen the voice and influence of women leaders on critical issues of global security, and contributed to ongoing efforts aimed at clarifying the responsibilities of the corporate sector in promoting and protecting human rights. On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, Realizing Rights joined with a wide range of organisations including CIVICUS in the launch of the 'Every Human Has Rights Campaign', a new initiative of 'The Elders' to help raise global awareness about human rights during 2008 in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To read more, click here . MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS & GLOBAL CALL TO ACTION AGAINST POVERTY Letter to Kenyan Party Leaders from GCAP asks for dialogue Global Call to Action against Poverty ( GCAP) The Global Call to Action against Poverty last week sent a letter to both President Kibaki and Opposition Party leader Raila Odinga in a further effort to exert pressure on both men to enter into dialogue and end the turmoil faced by the country since the election outcome was announced on December 30th. Writing on behalf of the alliance, co-chairs Ana Agostino, Sylvia Borren and Kumi Naidoo expressed sadness at the vast difference in the country's space for civil society since last year's World Social Forum event was hosted so successfully in Nairobi. At that time, the government showed great hospitality, outstanding organisation and encouragement to everyone campaigning for greater global social justice. GCAP Kenya and other civil society colleagues were free to express their demands and full of hope that a better country was emerging as they proudly showed how Kenya was on track to meet several of the Millennium Development Goals. The authors called on both politicians to restore that proud country with the greatest urgency. For more information, click here . GCAP South Asia makes landmark statement on climate change $ poverty Source: Global Call To Action against Poverty (GCAP) A Joint Communiqué from Civil Society groups in South Asia was issued last week following an important face-to-face meeting of coalitions in Dhaka, Bangladesh . This assembly of concerned citizens and civil society organisations was joined by GCAP Campaign Manager, Irfan Mufti and International Facilitation Team (IFT) Support Team representative, Ben Margolis, to discuss the alarming environmental situation affecting millions in most parts of the region. As concerned citizens and civil society action groups, they agreed that climate change is an emergency and if this crisis is not tackled urgently, all other development efforts in coming decades run the risk of being wiped out. They also note with great concern that the global emissions of carbon dioxide along with other greenhouse gases are rapidly contributing to an overall rise in global temperatures, as well as in sea levels. They call on governments and leaders to take action to redress the impact of climate change, both in the forthcoming meeting of G8 countries in |