Monday, February 18, 2008

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Re: plz vote me

On Valentine's Day, share your poetry with
your loved ones . . . and let them show you how
much they love you by rating your poem!
You could be the next winner of an iPod shuffle from and the Poet's Choice: Rate My Poem Contest. We've already given over $20,000 in prizes and are eager to give out even more in 2008. All it takes is 20 votes for a chance to win! Spread the art of poetry by sharing your poems with the world. Make sure you tell your family, friends, and neighbors to vote for your poem. It is easier than ever for your fans to vote by clicking here to go directly to your poetry! Time is running out before the next winner is announced and you don't want to miss your chance to win. Some poems entered in this contest have even been selected for further publication in hardbound anthologies or the quarterly poetry magazine, Poetry Today . Just imagine . . . not only could your poem win a prize in this contest, but you may get the chance to see your work in print.
To those who have won, congratulations!
  Feb. 13th Rosie Ella Gandy   Feb. 9th Michael Crites
Feb. 12th Suzanne C. Goudreau Feb. 8th Candise S. McCaig
Feb. 11th Alyssa Merrick Feb. 7th Enrique F. Gonzales
Feb. 10th Daniel G Maloney Feb. 6th Binoy Chowdhury
To the all of our other contestants, good luck . . . all your hard work in promoting your poetry will pay off. Letters and phone calls have been coming in from the winners thanking us. They can't believe how easy the contest was to win. They sent their poem to all of their friends and family, had them forward the poem to people they knew, and soon they had hundreds of votes. Many of our past winners also used various webpages and blogs, such as, to receive more votes. The possibilities are endless!
Use this link to go directly to your Poetry:
The deadline is quickly approaching so we encourage you to send the above link to your friends and family and have them send it to as many people as they know. This will help to ensure you get the 20 votes to win the next contest! We have also included a link above to use on various webpages and blogs.
Good Luck!
Put Your Poem Link On MySpace!
Copy and paste the entire line of HTML onto your MySpace page:
<a href=""> Rate my poem, Go here </a>
You can also use the above HTML on, blogs, chat rooms, and any other network to get the word out about your poetry.
Here is your link:
Here are some ideas to promote your poetry:
Post the link to your poem on your personal webpage or on your page. You can also use blogs, chat rooms, community websites, and other imaginative techniques to publicize your poem.

Come join the fun and send this link to everyone you know:
Friends, family, coworkers, and associates, please "Rate My Poem."
Use this link to email your friends your poem.
If you are having an issue with the images and links or if you want to view this email as a webpage, open here.
To ensure you receive emails from, please add to your address book now.

This email was sent by: 1 Poetry Plaza Owings Mills, MD, 21117,
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