Saturday, February 14, 2009

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Happy Valentine Day

Dear All,
My heartiest love to all. Happy Valentine Day! Here are some Russian Proverbs related to Love.



 All ages are submissive to love.

 Love and eggs are best when they are fresh.

 Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.                              You can't win love by force. 

 Love is like a war: Easy to begin, Hard to end!               

 Love is like a glass that breaks if handled clumsily.

 Love is vicious - you can fall in love with a goat.


 One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.


 Love has its own language, but marriage falls back on the local dialect.


 Love is not a Potato. You don't throw it out the window.



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