Saturday, September 6, 2008

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] Quantum Method Course Continues to Make the Impossible Possible

"It was beyond my expectation that people can get so many different kinds of benefits from a single course." Hosne Ara Shikha, Deputy Director of Bangladesh Bank and a participant in the 276th batch of Quantum Method Meditation Course said in the Prottoyon Onushthan (concluding ceremony) said on August 4, 2008, the last day of the four day course.

This single sentence summarizes the impact of the course held in the Institute of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh auditorium from August 1 to 4. Participants got different types of benefits from the course depending on their needs, such as recovering from diseases declared incurable by doctors, increased confidence, mental peace, control over anger and negative thoughts, reduced job stress, spiritual development, and freedom from bad habits, to name only a few.

Brindabon Halder, a first year student of Jagannath University could not write nor do any other task with his right had due to an unidentified disease which made it shake. But during the course, he started to write with his right hand, and showed his writings to all his course mates during the concluding ceremony. Saira Hossain, a 3rd year student of Dhaka University could not bend the portion between her hip joint and knee. Doctors home and abroad told her this problem was incurable. But during the course she used a low commode for the first time in three years. Nadira Begum, a housewife, said her prayers with the proper postures after ten years. Rahima Haque Masud, and epilepsy patient did not have a single attach during the course and said that her confidence increased manifold.. Abu Ahmed, a senior service holder, recovered from allergy and constipation. 

Dr Anupom Hossain, a prominent sport presenter and an expert in his field, said he had attended seminars in around 35 countries but has never encountered a speaker like Shahid El Bukhari Mahajataq, the teacher of Quantum Method. He said the four days of the course were four of the most memorable days of his life. Both Dr. Hossain, and Mr. Kamal, a businessman, said they learnt how to deal with job stress in the course. 

Masud Ibne Rahman, Assistant Professor of a Private University, and Md. Anwer Hossain said they learnt how to control their anger in the course.

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] Blood Donors Have Willingly Taken a Social Responsibility on Their Shoulders: Speakers Say in the 35th Life-long Blood Donor Felicitation Program

Blood donors do not donate blood for any material benefit. They donate blood – a part of themselves- because they consider it one of the noblest forms of charity. And by doing so they have taken a social responsibility on their shoulders.

Professor Dr. M. Rijwan Khan, Vice Chancellor, United International University (UIU), said while addressing as Chief Guest in the 35th Hundred Life-long Blood Donor Felicitation Program held on August 16.

He said that it is our duty to save the patients whose lives are in danger: Thalassaemia patients, for example.. But although each of us carry blood in our bodies, it is very difficult to get reliable blood supply. This in not due to any physical problems but mental barriers, he added. 

Madame Nahar El Bukhari, Chief Coordinator of the Voluntary Blood Donation Program, Quantum Foundation, chaired the program. She said that the life long blood donors have fulfilled the first portion of Monchobi (dream) 2025, Quantum Foundation's dream of transforming Bangladesh into a great humanitarian nation. Those who come forward to donate blood have proved that they have enough compassion to be members of such a society, she said. 

82 people, all of whom have donated blood at least three times and are committed to donate life-long, were honored in the program,.

UIU and Agroshor Pathagar a library based social organization) from Mirpur were honored for their contribution in the voluntary blood donation movement. Professor Khan and Md. Mahmud Alam received crests on behalf of their organizations.

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] Observe Ramadan in its True Spirit This Year: Gurujee in Quantaion E Jalali

'The opportunity to work comes in waves. Sometimes there are periods of intense work, at other times there are relative lulls. It is this ebb and flow that makes life interesting. We said in the beginning of 2008 that is a period for new beginnings, new phases, new developments and completions. The eight months that have passed have already proved this. Now all symptoms indicate that the coming Ramadan is bringing us the opportunity to do more fulfilling work.'

Gurujee Shahid El Bukhari Mahajatak said in the monthly Quantaion E Jalali held in the Engineers' Institute Auditorium on August 20. He said that instead of exercising moderation during Ramadan, we often become even more wasteful and unhealthy during this period, eating different varieties of unhealthy deep-fried food for iftar (the meal taken to break the fast) and overeating in dinner and sehri (the meal taken before starting the fast.) If instead of fussing over food, we concentrate on fruitful work and prayer, Ramadan will bring us a feeling of lightness and joy that we have never tasted before, he said.

He advised everyone to be nice and polite during Ramadan and to avoid arguments. He also advised against putting too much pressure on women to present varieties of sumptuous food on the table for iftaar. Instead, he motivated the participants to participate in the Quantaion E Khatme Quran and Akheri Doa, collect and distribute charity banks, perform healings if they have the opportunity, distribute konicas and motivate people to pay zakat collectively so that it can be used it fruitful ways. 

Several hundred people participated in the program which also included listening to the Quran in silence, meditations for self healing and seeking forgiveness, and the Jalali prayer. We hope all of us will take Gurujee's advice and make this Ramadan the most meaningful of our lives.

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] 10th Akheri Doa in Bashundhara Grand City Hall

This will be the 10th year of Quantaion E Khatme Koran and Akheri Doa. This year Quantaion E Khatme Quran will be held from September 5 to September 11, Friday to Thursday in five different venues. The Akheri Doa will be held on September 12 and 13 in the Grand City Hall of the Bashundhara City, with the participation of more than two thousand people. Only those who participate in the Khatme Quran this year or have participated before can take part in the Akheri Doa.
Quantaion E Khatme Quran
Date: September 5-11 (Friday – Thursday)
Time: Day long
Venues: Quantum Meditation Hall, Kakrail
Proshanti Hall, Shantinagar

Akeri Doa
Date: September 12, 13
Time: Daylong
Venue: Grand City Hall, Bashundhara City (Basement Level 2)
Fee: Tk 700
Tk 500 (students)

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] Meditation..................

Proshantir jonno Meditation. Meditation korte paray apnar deho o mon k proshanto. Shavabik medha k kaaj a laganor jonno o nijer attotushti ar jonno meditation korun. Proshanti, shushastho, o shafollay udvashito hoye uthbe apnar jibon.

R u suffering for depression, insomnia, tense, heart diesease, physical disorder, mental disorder or all kind of things? Dnt think urself so negative. Try the Quatum Meditation. I can gurantee u dat u'll get a little relief.

Once you step into the Quantum Meditation you are no longer alone. There are thousands to accompany you in your journey towards an enlightened life. They all aim to build a great humanitarian society. Where every individual will be identified as a human being, with enlightened soul and highly developed intelligence, who will prosper naturally as a consequence of his religious right and whose entire existence will be dedicated to serve Humanity.

To knw more info about it contact the following---->

Yoga Foundation
119/P Shantinogor, Dhaka-1217
Phone-9341441, 8319377, 01711-671858

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] History oF Bangladesh


Bangladesh as a vacation land has many facets. Her tourist attractions include archaeological sites, historic mosques and monuments, resorts, beaches, picnic spots, forest and wildlife. Bangladesh offers opportunities for angling, water-skiing, river cruising, hiking, rowing, surfing, yachting and sea bathing as well as bringing one in close touch with Mother Nature. She is also rich in wildlife and game birds. 


Bangladesh is situated in the north-eastern part of south Asia. It lies between 20' 34' and 2e 36' north latitude and 88' I' and 92' 41' east longitude. The heary and great Himalayas stand as the northen ramparts, while the southern frontier is guarded by the Bay of Bengal. On the west lies the expansive gangetic plains (West Bengal) of India and on the eastern frontier lies the almost impassable forest of Myanmar (Arakan Province) and India (Tripura and Assam hills). These picturesque geographical boundaries delineate out a low lying plain of about 144,000 (55,598 sq. miles) criss -crossed by innumerable brooks, rivers, rivulets and streams. Mighty rivers the Padma, Jamuna, Meghna, Karnaphuli and others flow through Bangladesh. The unscalable blue is stretched high above, and the green and silvery landscape below runs far and beyond. This is Bangladesh, a fertile land where nature is bounteous.  

Bangladesh is a deltaic region. Much of the country's land area has been built up from alluvial deposits brought down by the major rivers. The land is mostly flat except for a range of hills in the south-east. Wooded marshylands and jungles mainly characterize it with forest regions in Sylhet, Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban Hill Tracts, Sundarbans, Mymensingh and Tangail. 


The history of Bangladesh has been one of extremes, of turmoil and peace, prosperity and destitution. It has thrived under the glow of cultural spiendour and suffered under the ravages of war. The earliest mention of Bangladesh is found in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata (the story of Great Battle-9th century B.C). Evidence also suggests that there was a strong Mongoloid presence as well. Soon after, in the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. came the Aryans from Central Asia and the Dravidians from Western India. Then came the Guptas, Palas, Senas, who were Buddhist and Hindus. 

From the 13th century A.D. the flood of Muslim invaders and the tide of Islam swamped the Buddhist and Hindus untold 8th century. Sometimes there were independent rulers like the Hussain Shahi and Ilyas Shahi dynasties while at other times they ruled on behalf of the imperial seat of Delhi. From 15th century the Europeans, namely; Portuguese, Dutch, French and British traders exerted an economic influence over the region. British political rule over the region began in 1757 A.D. when the last Muslim ruler of Ben. gal was defeated at Palassey. In 1947 the country was partitioned into India and Pakistan. Present Bangladesh becomes the Eastern Wing of the then Pakistan. But the movement for autonomy for East 

Pakistan started within a couple of years because of language and cultural difference and economic disparity between the two wings. The seeds of independence were sown through the Language Movement of 1952 to recognize Bangla as a state language. Ultimately the then East Pakistan emerged as a sovereign and independent state of Bangladesh in 1971 after nine month - long war of Liberation (starting on 26 March 1971) in which 3 million people courted martyrdom.

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] Good Life

When you really want something 

Sometimes you have to swim a little 

Deeper……. You can't give up just 

Because things don't come easy… 

You have to overcome the obstacles 

And face your fears… 

But in the end, it's all worth 

While! Life is full of ups and downs, 

But if you believe in yourself 

You will always come through with 

Flying colors… Value friendship, 

Love and faith… Never 

Underestimate yourself 

Believe in yourself…! 


Have a Good Life !!!

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[ Noakhali Online Group ] Friends

As we walk our path of life, 
we meet people everyday. 
Most are simply met by chance. 
But, some are sent our way. 

These become special friends 
whose bond we can't explain; 
the ones who understand us 
and share our joy and pain.. 

Their love contains no boundaries. 
So, even we are apart. 
Their presence enhances us 
with warmth felt in the heart. 

This love becomes a passage-way, 
when even the miles disappear. 
And so, these friends, God sends our way, 
Remain forever near

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