Saturday, September 6, 2008

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Observe Ramadan in its True Spirit This Year: Gurujee in Quantaion E Jalali

'The opportunity to work comes in waves. Sometimes there are periods of intense work, at other times there are relative lulls. It is this ebb and flow that makes life interesting. We said in the beginning of 2008 that is a period for new beginnings, new phases, new developments and completions. The eight months that have passed have already proved this. Now all symptoms indicate that the coming Ramadan is bringing us the opportunity to do more fulfilling work.'

Gurujee Shahid El Bukhari Mahajatak said in the monthly Quantaion E Jalali held in the Engineers' Institute Auditorium on August 20. He said that instead of exercising moderation during Ramadan, we often become even more wasteful and unhealthy during this period, eating different varieties of unhealthy deep-fried food for iftar (the meal taken to break the fast) and overeating in dinner and sehri (the meal taken before starting the fast.) If instead of fussing over food, we concentrate on fruitful work and prayer, Ramadan will bring us a feeling of lightness and joy that we have never tasted before, he said.

He advised everyone to be nice and polite during Ramadan and to avoid arguments. He also advised against putting too much pressure on women to present varieties of sumptuous food on the table for iftaar. Instead, he motivated the participants to participate in the Quantaion E Khatme Quran and Akheri Doa, collect and distribute charity banks, perform healings if they have the opportunity, distribute konicas and motivate people to pay zakat collectively so that it can be used it fruitful ways. 

Several hundred people participated in the program which also included listening to the Quran in silence, meditations for self healing and seeking forgiveness, and the Jalali prayer. We hope all of us will take Gurujee's advice and make this Ramadan the most meaningful of our lives.

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