Monday, September 24, 2007

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Finding diploma engineers...

If anybody of u r a diploma engineer of any
technology,requested to contact me personally by my
e-mail address.....Raju.sub assistant engineer
(mech),Chittagong urea fertilizer.

--- <>
> This is an example of side effect in Bangladesh
under Emergency Rule
> Power Situation Improves Significantly - Attitude
adjustment under CTG
> Load shedding drops to 200MW from 1200MW
> In addition to increased power production, revenue
collection by the PDB and
> Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (Desa) has also shot
up significantly.
> Sources said PDB's revenue collection has shot up to
Tk 5,000 crore in the
> calendar year, while its bill collection ratio has
shot up to 110 percent
> from its previous 80-85 percent.
> PDB's biggest single client Desa's payment to PDB
for purchase of power has
> exceeded Tk 100 crore a month.
> ===================================================
> Sharier Khan
> The Power Development Board (PDB) has made a
significant improvement in
> power supply in the last two months mainly by
improving day-to-day
> management where officials and technical experts are
encouraged to take
> independent decisions, sources said.
> Moreover, the government's successful implementation
of load management and
> staggering holidays at industrial zones, improvement
in gas supply to power
> plants, and high emphasis on bill collection also
have significant
> contributions in this regard. Now the margin of load
shedding has dropped
> from 1,200MW to a mere 100-200MW.
> The country experienced load shedding by a massive
margin of maximum 2,000MW
> a day last year.
> Against an official maximum demand of 4,240MW, the
PDB is now supplying more
> than 4,100MW of power from 100 different power units
of 27 power plants by
> improving plant efficiency.
> The same number of plants was providing the nation
with maximum 2,800MW of
> power last year.
> Since then, only one additional power unit of
70MW--the Mymensingh Power
> Plant--came into operation two months ago.
> Currently, 12 power units remain shut down for
maintenance work. If all
> these units start operation, the country's power
production could be as high
> as 4,600MW, which is more than the official demand.
> In addition to increased power production, revenue
collection by the PDB and
> Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (Desa) has also shot
up significantly.
> Sources said PDB's revenue collection has shot up to
Tk 5,000 crore in the
> calendar year, while its bill collection ratio has
shot up to 110 percent
> from its previous 80-85 percent.
> PDB's biggest single client Desa's payment to PDB
for purchase of power has
> exceeded Tk 100 crore a month.
> "Desa's bill collection ratio has also significantly
gone up. Fearing arrest
> by the joint forces, many large power consumers that
had deliberately
> defaulted on bills of hundreds of crores of taka are
now paying off their
> arrears," said an official.
> The PDB's overall systems loss has also improved by
2.5 percent in the last
> nine months. Whereas the systems loss was 17.5
percent in January, it
> quickly came down to 15 percent after the change of
> "This alone has saved PDB power worth Tk 110 crore
in the last nine months,"
> the official added.
> "It doesn't mean PDB's problems are over. It means
that even within
> limitations, professionals can do a better job if
they are properly given
> the responsibility.
> "There can be a major power blackout or grid failure
and there is still load
> shedding. To ensure a safe power supply, we must
have at least 10 percent
> additional capacity above the demand as a reserve
> While the official power demand is shown at 4,250MW,
unofficially this
> demand stands at maximum 5,200MW. But this
additional demand is underplayed
=== Message Truncated ===

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