Saturday, May 24, 2008

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Hello

Dear all,

Salam. Great to see a Noakhali group! I wonder, why I was unaware
about this group for so long! Anyway, thanks to the moderators for
such an excellent initiative.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Borhanuddin Shafi (Bijoy)and my
home district is in Begumgonj, Noakhali. I know Maijdee and Sonapur
quite well. I once used to live in Naptarpul, Maizdee Bazar for nearly
one and half years. Additionally, I was also a student of Noakhali
Zilla School for a year. Are there any students of Noakhali Zilla
School among the group members? I would be visiting Noakhali in July
this year and it would be great to see the changes after my last visit
in 2004!
Please keep up the good work and keep us posted about Noakhali..

Thank you.

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