Friday, May 23, 2008

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Wishes to Khaleda Apu

Dear Khaleda Mam,


Best wishes to you. My desher bari is in Sonaimuri Thana and you have to go to Chatkhil over my Thana. So you are my close neighobour. I have been observing that after joining of you in  Noakhali-yahoogroups , our group is being turned to changa changa vab(like DSE or CSE). It is a matter of positive sign. Thanks to all members of this group.


My advice to you - don't be unmarried. Be married without any delay. You may choose your partner through  or Ghotok Pakhi Bai in Dhaka or someone in Chittagong (may be Pakhi Boan). You may know this that after 35 it is a matter of risk to be a mother(according to medical science).


Thanks a lot. Please don't mind and I would be very sorry if you mind for any reason. Afterall I am your deshi bhai.




Bye bye.



Mohammad Harunur Rashid

Banker(Govt. Bank)

Shahjahanpur, Dhaka


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