Plz, have a look.......
We should check how an Indian writes about Bangladesh and our Media should protest this. Why this writer is picking Bangladesh as an example in Wall Street Journal? This writer is a visiting faculty member of international marketing Western International University, India in New Delhi may not know the quality of Bangladesh shirt yet, in US Market. Soon he need to learn about quality of software made in Bangladesh, we are getting there. We need to watch for anti Bangladesh propaganda by our next door neighbor...
Let me ask a question which I ask my students of international marketing: Will you buy chocolate, a shirt or software made in Bangladesh? Would you trust a doctor trained in Bangladesh to perform heart surgery on you in Dhaka? Would you even open a bank account in a Bangladeshi bank?
Chances are, the answer will be no, simply because the country image we hold of Bangladesh in our minds is that of a poverty-stricken country, an image reinforced by what we constantly see in the media. Whether unfair or not, it's not a country we associate with quality.
—Mr. Chawdhry is a visiting faculty member of international marketing Western International University, India in New Delhi
http://online. SB12371756274323 8005.html? mod=googlenews_ wsj
The Final Word on Slumdog: After the Hoopla, An Unenviable Legacy
Wall Street Journal - USA
http://online. SB12371756274323 8005.html? mod=googlenews_ wsj
The Final Word on Slumdog: After the Hoopla, An Unenviable Legacy
Wall Street Journal - USA
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