You are a young smart and educated man. Most importantly you an IT expert (I believe). You have said something that doesn't commensurate with your education level. We are tired of hearing this type of meaningless political discussion. I only tried to say on two things:
(1) You must not compare Bangladesh Army with the Pakistan Army of 1971.
(2) No logic justifies the brutal killing of so many officers..
You understand simple English? Yes, that's what I wanted to say. But unfortunately you did both the things. You compared BD Army with Pak Army of 1971 and also justified the killing. Didn't you do that?
In addition, you have initiated an unnecessary political discussion. We all know, this type of discussion has got no end. However, by doing so you have made yourself controversial. In the next mails many member will support you and many will be criticizing you. But as moderator of a group, you should have been neutral. A moderator is just like a leader – leading from the front. Now ask yourself, are you in the front where there are many people of different school of thoughts? Or you have sidelined yourself in narrow political spectrum?
However, it seems to me that you are happy about BDR incident. Sumit, there is no pride of becoming collaborator of killer. So, it's meaningless for me to continue any more discussion with you.
Thanks & Regards to All.
Good Bye
Nil Olin
The above mail from Nil Olin, he cannot connect to group due to net problem. i am sending this mail for him - - nipu
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