Thanks 4 these pictures
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--- On Wed, 13/5/09, ariful Zobayer <> wrote: From: ariful Zobayer <> Subject: [greater_noakhali] Not even 0.1% Muslims had the opportunity to see this View To:,,, "Khalad bai reigion park" <>, "parvaz bai coxwell kamrul" <>, "saem dasi bai" <>, "Md. Abdullah Al Mamun" <>, "mamun Baya ALI" <>, "johne ahamed" <>, "sohel Alberta ctg Hathajari" <>, "Sohel Bai Desi Amisapara" <>, "Rifat Desi Bai" <>, "Bappi bai ctg" <>, "saem dasi bai" <>, "Awlad bai Toronto" <>, "Farhad Bai feni" <>, "wahid uncle" <> Date: Wednesday, 13 May, 2009, 10:00 PM
----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Farhana Haque <> To:;; Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 4:16:12 AM Subject: [odhora] Not even 0.1% Muslims had the opportunity to see this View
Foot Mark Of Hazrat Adam ( AS ) , In Srilanka First Foot Mark on Earth .
Amma Hawa in Jeddah
Abeel, son of Hazrat ADAM Al., first grave on earth, in Jordan .
Abeel, another view of grave of Abeel, son of ADAM Al.
Grave of Hazrat Youshe, first Prophet after Adam, its in Jordan .
Makam E Ibrahim
Grave of Hazrat IBRAHIM - Al - Khalil , ISRAEL
Grave of Hazrat Lot in Iraq .
Grave of Hazrat Saleh (AS)
Grave of Dawood ( AS ) in Israel .
Grave of MOOSA ( AS ) in Israel .
Haroon Al.
Zakaria Al.
Yahya Al.
Grave of BIBI AMENA , some where outside Macca
Grave of BIBI HALEEMA, out side Madina.
Hazrat Abu Taleb, Uncle of Prophet Mohammed Sl., in Macca
Bibi Khatiza, Ummul momeenin
Rowza of 4 Imams, before destruction, the cage was made from pure GOLD.
Bilal Habashi, in Damuscus | | | | | |
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