Monday, August 31, 2009

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Press release on Swine Flu and its easy Homeopathic treatment [1 Attachment]


[Attachment(s) from Bashir Mahmud Ellias included below]


(This  article  is  written  in  Bengali  language.)



‡mvqvBb  d¬z 

Ges  Zvi  mnR  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  wPwKrmv



Ggb  GKwU  cÖvYNvZx  †iv‡Mi  K_v  Kíbv  Ki"b  hv‡Z  GKRb  UMe‡M  hyeK  mKvj  †ejv  ÒMjv  e¨_vqÓ  AvµvšÍ  n‡jv,  `ycy‡i  Ò‡Kvb  wKQzB  wVK  g‡Zv  Pj‡Q  bvÓ  Ae¯'vq  nvmcvZv‡j  fwZ©  n‡jv  Ges  mܨvq  †m  jvk  n‡q  †ewi‡q  †M‡jv|  wKsev  Av‡iKRb  gvby‡li  K_v  wPšÍv  Ki"b  whwb  †Kv_vI  hvIqvi  Rb¨  ev‡m  ev  †Uª‡b  P‡o  em‡jb  wKš'  MšÍ‡e¨  †cŠuQvi  c~‡e©B  g‡i  jvk  n‡q  c‡o  iB‡jb|  n¨uv,  1918  mv‡ji  cÖjsKix  ¯ú¨vwbk  Bbd¬z‡qÄv  gnvgvix  A‡bKUv  GgbB  wQj  hv  gvΠ Pvigv‡m  mviv  we‡k¦  Qwo‡q  c‡owQj|  GK  eQi  ¯'vqx  †mB  gnvgvix‡Z  `yB  †_‡K  cuvP  †KvwU  gvby‡li  g„Zz¨  nq  Ges  AšÍZ  cÂvk  †KvwU  †jvK  Amy&¯'  n‡qwQj| 


MZ  `yBk  eQ‡i  c„w_ex‡Z  hZ  gnvgvix  G‡m‡Q,  Zvi  BwZnvm  ch©v‡jvPbv  Ki‡j  †`Lv  hvq  †h,  †m-me  gnvgvixi  wPwKrmvq  G‡jvc¨vw_i  mvdj¨  wQj  LyeB  mvgvb¨;  Ab¨w`‡K  †nvwgIc¨vw_i  mvdj¨  wQj  A‡bKUv  Cl©Yxq  ch©v‡qi|  ‡nvwgIc¨vw_  Avwe®‹v‡ii  cÖ_g  hy‡MB  BD‡ivc  Ry‡o  ¯‹vi‡jU  wdfv‡ii (Scarlet fever)  gnvgvix  †`Lv  †`q  hv  ‡gvKv‡ejvq  †nvwgIc¨vw_  mvd‡j¨i  cwiPq  †`q|  c¶všÍ‡i  ¯‹vi‡jU  wdfvi  wbqš¿‡Y  G‡jvc¨vw_i  e¨_©Zv  wQj  ¯§iY  ivLvi  g‡Zv|  1918  mv‡ji  cÖjsKix  ¯ú¨vwbk  Bbd¬z‡qÄv  gnvgvix  †gvKv‡ejv‡ZI  †nvwgIc¨vw_i  Kvwgqvex  BwZnv‡m  ¯^Yv©¶‡i  †jLv  Av‡Q|  Bnv  QvovI  K‡jiv,  emšZ,  wWc‡_wiqv,  ûwcs  Kvwk,  †cvwjI  cÖf…wZ  gnvgvix  wbivg‡q  †nvwgIc¨vw_i  Ae`vb  Ab¯^xKvh©|  eZ©gv‡b  †h  GKwU  bZzb  Bbd¬z‡qÄv  A_©vr  †mvqvBb  d¬z  gnvgvix  wek¦evmxi  g‡b  Îv‡mi  m„wó  K‡i‡Q|  GB  eQi  Lv‡bK  c~‡e©I  evW©  d¬z  bvgK  Av‡iKwU  gnvgvix  c„w_ex‡K  Kuvwc‡q  Zz‡jwQj,  hv  GBP5Gb1  fvBiv‡mi  Avµg‡Y  n‡Zv|  GB  ch©šÍ  15  cÖRvwZi  Bbd¬z‡qÄv  ev  d¬z  fvBivm  mbv³  Kiv  m¤¢e  n‡q‡Q|  eZ©gvb  †mvqvBb  d¬z  †iv‡Mi  fvBiv‡mi  bvg  †`Iqv  n‡q‡Q  GBP1Gb1 {novel  influenza  A (H1N1)}| 



miKvix  wPwKrmv  c×wZ‡Z  A_©vr  G‡jvc¨vw_‡Z  e¨vK‡Uwiqv  ev  fvBivm‡K  g‡b  Kiv  nq  †iv‡Mi  g~j  KviYiƒ‡c|  d‡j  Gw›Uev‡qvwUK  ev  Gw›UfvBivj  Jla  cÖ‡qv‡M  e¨vK‡Uwiqv  ev  fvBivm‡K  nZ¨v  Ki‡Z  cvi‡jB  g‡b  Kiv  nq  †ivMgyw³  N‡U‡Q|  wKš'  AvaywbK  M‡elYvq  cÖgvwYZ  n‡q‡Q  †h,  GB  ai‡Yi  wPšÍv  mwVK  bq|  †Kbbv  A‡bK  †¶‡ÎB  †`Lv  hvq  †h,  mswk­ó  e¨vK‡Uwiqv-fvBiv‡mi  g„Zz¨i  ciI  †iv‡Mi  A‡bK  RwUjZv  †_‡KB  hv‡"Q|  A_P  †nvwgI  wPwKrmv  weÁvbxiv  `yÕk  eQi  c~e©  †_‡KB  `vex  K‡i  Avm‡Qb  †h,  e¨vK‡Uwiqv-fvBivm  †iv‡Mi  GKwU  KviY  n‡Z  cv‡i;  wKš'  KLbB  g~j  KviY  bq|  †iv‡Mi  g~j  KviY  n‡jv  we‡kl  we‡kl  †ivM  nIqvi  cÖwZ  e¨w³  we‡k‡li  (Rš§MZ  ev  AwR©Z)  kvixwiK  cªeYZv  ev  †Ub‡WÝx (susceptibility)| 


GK_v  mevB  Rv‡b  †h,  Mv‡Qi  giv  Wv‡jB  e¨v‡Oi  QvZv (QÎvK)  R‡b¥;  my¯'  Wv‡j  bq|  †KD  †KD  h²v  ‡ivMxi  ms¯ú‡k©  GK  wgwbU  ‡_‡KB  h²vq  AvµvšÍ  nq  c‡o  A_P  †KD  †KD  h²v  nvmcvZv‡j  `k  eQi  PvKwi  K‡iI  h²vq  AvµvšÍ  nq  bv|  Bnvi  KviY  wK ?  G‡jvc¨vw_K  wPwKrmv  weÁvb  fyj  c‡_  Pj‡Q  e‡jB  Rxe†`‡ni  †ivM  cÖwZ‡iva  kw³  ev  BwgDb  wm‡óg‡K (immune  system)  kw³kvjx  Kivi  cwie‡Z©  e¨vK‡Uwiqv-fvBivm  gvivi  †cQ‡b  †j‡M  Av‡Q|  GB  AcwPwKrmvi  djkÖ"wZ‡Z  w`b  w`b  gvby‡li  AvZ¥i¶vi  ¶gZv  †KejB  n«vm  cv‡"Q  Ab¨w`‡K  fvBivm¸‡jv  w`b  w`bB  AwaK  †_‡K  AwaKZi  kw³kvjx  n‡"Q|  Gfv‡e  Pj‡Z  _vK‡j  gvbeRvwZB  GKw`b  c„w_ex  †_‡K  wejyß  n‡q  hv‡e  Ges  fvBivm¸‡jv  m‡MŠi‡e  wU‡K  _vK‡e|  ‡nvwgIc¨vw_K  †gwWwm‡bi  g~j  Uv‡M©U  †h‡nZz  Rxe‡`‡ni  BwgDwbwU‡K  kw³kvjx  Kivi  gva¨‡g  †ivM  cÖwZ‡iva  Ges  wbivgq  Kiv ;  †m‡nZz  Bnv  Aej¤^b  KivB  n‡Z  cv‡i  m‡ev©Ëg  cš'v| 


GKwU  HwZnvwmK  mZ¨  GB  †h,  Av‡gwiKv  Ges  BD‡iv‡c  †nvwgIc¨vw_i  RbwcÖqZv  AR©‡bi  GKwU  eo  KviY  wQj  Dbwesk  kZvwã‡Z  Gme  A‡j  msNwUZ  msµvgK  gnvgvixmg~‡ni  wPwKrmvq  †nvwgIc¨vw_i  Awe¯§iYxq  mvdj¨|  Wv.  Ugvm  Gj  eªvW‡dv‡W©i  msL¨vi  hyw³ (The  Logic  of  Figures)  bvgK  eBwU  cÖKvwkZ  nq  1900  mv‡j  hv‡Z  wZwb  G‡jvc¨vw_K  Ges  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  nvmcvZv‡j  †ivMx‡`i  g„Zz¨  nv‡ii  we¯ÍvwiZ  Zzjbvg~jK  DcvË  Dc¯'vcb  K‡ib|  G‡Z  †`Lv  hvq  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  nvmcvZv‡ji  Zzjbvq  G‡jvc¨vw_K  nvmcvZv‡j  g„Zz¨i  nvi  wQj  wظY  †_‡K  AvU  ¸Y  †ekx|  1849  mv‡j  wmbwmbvwUi  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  Wv³viiv  `vex  K‡ib  †h,  Zv‡`i  wPwKrmvaxb  GK  nvRvi  K‡jiv  †ivMxi  g‡a¨  gvΠ 3%  g„Zz¨eiY  K‡i‡Qb|  Zviv  Zv‡`i  `vexi  mZ¨Zv  cÖgv‡Yi  D‡Ï‡k¨  †eu‡P  hvIqv  Ges  g„Zz¨eiY  Kiv  mg¯Í  †ivMxi  bvg  Ges  wVKvbv  Zviv  cwÎKvq  Qvwc‡q  w`‡qwQ‡jb|  A_P  K‡jiv  †iv‡M  G‡jvc¨vw_K  wPwKrmv  †bIqv  †ivMx‡`i  g„Zz¨  nvi  wQj  40%  †_‡K  70%  fv‡Mi  g‡a¨|  B‡q‡jv  wdfv‡ii  wPwKrmvq  †nvwgIc¨vw_i  mvdj¨  GZUvB  PgKcÖ`  wQj  †h,  hy³ivóª  miKv‡ii  ¯^v¯'¨  wefv‡Mi  GK  wi‡cv‡U©  we‡klÁiv  †ek  K‡qKwU  †nvwgI  Jl‡ai  bvg  D‡j­Lc~e©K  Zv‡`i  cÖksmv  K‡ib;  hw`I  mswk­ó  we‡klÁ‡`i  AwaKvskB  wQ‡jb  G‡jvc¨vw_K  Wv³vi  hviv  †nvwgIc¨vw_‡K  cQ›`  Ki‡Zb  bv|  Avgv‡`i  `„p  wek¦vm,  cï-cvwLi  dvg©¸‡jv‡Z  †nvwgIc¨vw_  Aej¤^b  Kiv  n‡j  Zv  GgbwK  me©‡kl  Avwe®K…Z  Gw›UfvBivj  Jl‡ai  PvB‡ZI  DrK…ó  dj  w`‡e|  †Kbbv  Gw›Uev‡qvwUK  Ges  Ab¨vb¨  †KwgK¨vj  Jl‡ai  cvBKvix  e¨env‡ii  Kvi‡Y  Lvgv‡ii  cï-cvwL‡`i  ¯^v‡¯'¨i  Ae¯'v  GZUvB  Lvivc  hv‡"Q  †h,  (nvm-gyiMx-ïKi)  Gme  cï-cvwLivB  eZ©gv‡b  gvivZ¥K  gvivZ¥K  e¨vK‡Uwiqv-fvBivm  Drcv`‡bi  AvLovq  cwiYZ  n‡q‡Q|


†mvqvBb  d¬z  gnvgvix  AvKv‡i  †`Lv  w`‡j  †mwU  cÖavbZ  †`Lv  w`‡e  cÖv‡P¨i  †`kmg~‡n|  †Kbbv  cvBKvix  nv‡i  wUKv  †bIqvi  Kvi‡Y  Ges  †KwgK¨vj  WªvM  AwZgvÎvq  †me‡bi  Kvi‡Y  cvðv‡Z¨i  †jvK‡`i  ‡fZiMZ  ¯^v¯'¨  Ae¯'v  GZB  wbgœgv‡bi  †h,  IUvB  Zv‡`i‡K  GwKDU  wWwRR  (†hgb-R¡i,  Kvwk,  wbD‡gvwbqv  BZ¨vw`)  †_‡K  i¶v  K‡i  _v‡K  Avi  µwbK  wWwR‡Ri (†hgb- K¨vÝvi,  Wvqv‡ewUm,  nuvcvbx  BZ¨vw`i)  mnR  wkKv‡i  cwiYZ  K‡i|  welqwU  A™¢~Z  g‡b  n‡Z  cv‡i  wKš'  ev¯Í‡e  ZvB  †`Lv  hvq|  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z  gnvgvix  Qov‡bvi  †¶‡Î  cvðv‡Z¨i  †jv‡Kiv  eis  evdvi  wn‡m‡e  KvR  Ki‡e|  Av‡iKwU  K_v  n‡jv,  ‡mvqvBb  d¬zÕi  wUKv (vaccine)  †bIqv  †_‡K  meviB  weiZ  _vKv  DwPZ|  †Kbbv  cÖ_gZ  ‡Kvb  wUKvB  Avcbv‡K  †ivMgy³  ivLvi  kZfvM  M¨vivw›U  w`‡Z  cv‡i  bv|  wUKv  wb‡j  eis  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z-‡Z  AvµvšÍ  nIqvi  m¤¢vebv  ‡e‡oI  †h‡Z  cv‡i|  †Kbbv  Gme  wUKv‡Z  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z-i  RxweZ  fvBivm  _v‡K|  hw`I  ejv  nq  †h,  fvBivm‡K  we‡kl  cÖwµqvq  Ô`ye©jÕ  K‡i  †`Iqv  nq  hv‡Z  ‡m¸‡jv  †ivM  m„wó  Ki‡Z  bv  cv‡i|  wKš'  Kv‡iv  Kv‡iv  kix‡i  Dchy³  cwi‡ek  †c‡j  GB  Ô`ye©jÕ  fvBivm  †h  mej  n‡q  ‡h-Kv‡iv  ev  AMwYZ  gvby‡li  me©bvk  †W‡K  Avb‡Z  cv‡i,  BwZnv‡m  Ggb  `„óvšÍ  Av‡Q  AmsL¨|  Z‡e  MZevi  evW©  d¬z-i  mgq  ‡k¦Zv½  kqZvbiv  †hfv‡e  nvm-gyiMx  gvivi  Kzeyw×  Avgv‡`i‡K  w`‡qwQj,  Gevi  wKš'  Zviv  †mvqvBb  ev  ïKi  gvivi  civgk©  KvD‡K  w`‡"Q  bv|  †Kbbv  nvm-gyiMx  Avgv‡`i  cÖavb  Lv`¨ ;  cÿvšÍ‡i  ïKi  n‡jv  I‡`i  cÖavb  Lv`¨|  Avgiv  wbwe©Pv‡i  wbey©w×Zvi  mv‡_  nvm-gyiMx  wbab  K‡i  A_©bxwZi  ev‡ivUv  evwR‡qwQ  Ges  Avgv‡`i  ¯^v‡¯'¨iI  ÿwZ  K‡iwQ|  †k¦Zv½iv  wKš'  †mvqvBb  d¬z-†Z  gviv  co‡e  ZeyI  †mvqvBb  †g‡i  wb‡R‡`i  wiwR‡K  Kzovj  gvi‡e  bv !



A‡bK  wPwKrmv  weÁvbxB  g‡b  K‡ib  †h,  AZx‡Zi  A‡bK  gnvgvixi  DrcwË  Ges  we¯Zv‡ii  †cQ‡b  gyj  f‚wgKv  cvjb  K‡i‡Q  wUKvi  gva¨‡g  Qov‡bv  Gme  fvBivm|  ZvQvov  wewmwR,  wWwcwU,  nvg,  †cvwjI,  GwUGm,  †gwbbRvBwUm,  †ncvUvBwUm  cÖf…wZ  wUKvi  †h-me  gvivZ¥K  ¶wZKi  cvk¦©-cÖwZwµqv  AvR  ch©šZ  Avwe®‹…Z  n‡q‡Q  Zvi  g‡a¨  Av‡Q  wUKv  †bIqvi  mv‡_  mv‡_  Zvr¶wYK  g„Zz¨,  K¨vÝvi,  †eªb  W¨v‡gR,  kvixwiK  cÖwZewÜZ¡,  eyw×  cÖwZewÜ  ev  AwURg,  †eªb  wUDgvi,  ¸‡jb-†ewi  wmb‡Wªvg,  GjvwR©,  nuvcvwb,  Wvqv‡ewUm  cÖf…wZ|  Kv‡RB  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z-i  wUKv  †_‡KI  Gme  †ivM  Aek¨B  n‡e|  †Kbbv  mKj  wUKvi  cÖ¯'Z  cÖYvjx  Ges  Dcv`vb  †Zv  GKB (Avi  Zv  n‡jv  cÖvYbvkx  fvBivm)|  ZvQvov  AvšÍR©vwZK  wgwWqvq  Lei  †ewo‡q‡Q  †h,  ‡mvqvBb  d¬zÕi  f¨vKwmb  wewµ  K‡i  wewjqb  wewjqb  Wjv‡ii  gybvdv  Kivi  Rb¨B  bvwK  ‡mvqvBb  d¬zÕi  bv‡g  Pviw`‡K  fxwZ  m„wó  Kiv  n‡"Q|  Av‡iKwU  K_v  n‡jv,  †h-†Kvb  GKwU  bZzb  †iv‡Mi  m~Pbv  n‡jv  G‡jvc¨vw_‡Z  cÖ_‡g  ‡m  †ivMwU‡K  wPb‡Z  nq,  Zvici  ‡mB  †ivMwU‡K  GKwU  bZzb  bvg  w`‡Z  nq  Ges  me‡k‡l  Zvi  Jla  Avwe®‹vi  Ki‡Z  nq|  G‡Zv  wKQz  Ki‡Z  wM‡q  †`Lv  hvq  BwZg‡a¨  nvRvi  nvRvi  wKsev  jÿ  jÿ  gvby‡li  g„Zz¨  n‡q  †M‡Q|  wKš'  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  wPwKrmv  weÁv‡b  †ivM  †Pbvi  †Kvb  cÖ‡qvRb  bvB,  †iv‡Mi  bvg  †`Iqvi  †Kvb  `iKvi  c‡o  bv  Ges  bZzb  †iv‡Mi  Rb¨  †Kvb  bZzb  JlaI  Avwe®‹vi  Ki‡Z  nq  bv|  †Kbbv  †nvwgIc¨vw_  n‡jv  jÿY  mgwó (totality  of  symptoms)  wfwËK  wPwKrmv  weÁvb|  d‡j  bZzb  †iv‡Mi  mg¯Í  jÿY  GK‡Î  wgwjZfv‡e  wZb  nvRvi  †nvwgI  Jl‡ai  g‡a¨  †KvbwUi  mv‡_  me‡P‡q  †ekx  wg‡j  hvq,  †mwU  ey‡S  cÖ‡qvM  Ki‡jB  †mB  bZzb  †ivM  †m‡i  hv‡e|  Zv  †m  †iv‡Mi  bvg  hvB  †nvK  bv  †Kb  Ges  e¨vK‡Uwiqv-fvBiv‡mi  bvgB  ev  hvB  †nvK  bv  †Kb !  G‡jvc¨vw_‡Z  †h‡nZz  fvBivmwe‡ivax  Jla  †Zgb  GKUv  bvB,  †m  Kvi‡Y  fvBivm  NwUZ  †Kvb  †iv‡Mi  m~Pbv  n‡j  Zviv  f‡q  AÁvb  n‡q  c‡o  Ges  mevB‡K  fq  †`Lv‡Z  _v‡K|  wKš'  hv‡`i  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  wPwKrmv  weÁv‡bi  Ici  Av¯'v  Av‡Q,  Zv‡`i  fq  cvIqvi  wKQz  bvB|  


‡mvqvBb  d¬z  nBj  GKwU  wmRbvj  fvBivm  R¡i (d¬z /  Bbd¬z‡qÄv)  hv  GBP5Gb1 (H1N1)  bvgK  fvBivm  msµg‡Yi  Kvi‡Y  n‡q  _v‡K|  fvBivmwU  Lvgv‡ii  ïqi‡`i  kix‡i  emevm  K‡i  Ges  †mLvb  †_‡K  gvbyl‡K  AvµgY  Kivi  Kvi‡YB  Bnvi  bvg  ivLv  n‡q‡Q  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z|  ‡mvqvBb  d¬zÕi  D‡j­L‡hvM¨  j¶Y¸wj  n‡jv  Mjv  e¨_v,  Kvwk,  fxlY  Zvcmn  R¡i,  †ckx‡Z  e¨_v  Ges  †Pv‡L  msµgY|  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z  bq  eis  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z-i  mv‡_  cÖvqB  wbD‡gvwbqv  ev  dzmdz‡m  cÖ`vn  †`Lv  †`Iqvi  Kvi‡Y  k¦vmK‡ói  d‡j   A‡bK  †ivMxi  g„Zz¨  N‡U|  ‡KD  evW©  d¬z  ev  D"P  R¡‡i  AvµvšÍ  n‡j  mg¯Í  j¶Y  wePvi  K‡i  Jla  wbe©vPb  K‡i  cÖ‡qvM  Ki"b|  weªwUk  †nvwgI  wPwKrmv  weÁvbx  Wvt  †R.  GBP.  K¬v‡K©i (M.D.)  g‡Z,  †KD  ‡mvqvBb  d¬z-‡Z  AvµvšÍ  n‡j  Bbd¬z‡qwÄbvg  (Influenzinum)  A_ev  G‡KvbvBU (Aconitum  napellus)  (30  A_ev  200  kw³‡Z)  GK  A_ev  `yB  NÈv  cici  †L‡Z  _vKzb  Ges  hZ  ZvovZvwo  m¤¢e GKRb    †nvwgI  Wv³v‡ii  mv‡_  †hvMv‡hvM  Ki"b|  Ab¨w`‡K  wb‡Ri  evwo‡Z  A_ev  gnj­vq  GB  †ivM  Qwo‡q  co‡j  Zv  †_‡K  euvPvi  Rb¨  Av‡m©wbK  (Arsenicum  album)  bvgK  JlawU  ‡ivR  wZbevi  K‡i  †L‡Z  _vKzb|  GB  gyn‚‡Z©  ZvB  G‡KvbvBU  Ges  Av‡m©wbK  bvgK  †nvwgI  Jla  `yBwU  cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB  wK‡b  N‡i  msiÿY  K‡i  ivLv  DwPZ|  ZvQvov  †nvwgIc¨vw_K  KÝwUwUDkbvj  †gwWwmb (Constitutional  medicine)  A_©vr  kvixwiK-gvbwmK-cvwievwiK-e¨w³MZ-RjevqyRwbZ  †ivM  j¶‡Yi  Dci  wfwË  K‡i  cÖ`Ë  †nvwgI  Jla  †meb  Ki‡jI  †ivM  cÖwZ‡iva  ÿgZv (Immune  system)  kw³kvjx  nq  Ges  A‡bK  †ivM  †_‡K  gy³  _vKv  hvq| 




Wvt  ekxi  gvngy`  Bwjqvm

‡jLK,  wWRvBb  ‡¯úkvwjó,  †nvwgI  Kbmvj‡U›U

‡P¤^vi t  RvMiYx  †nvwgI  nj

47/4  U‡qbex  mvK©yjvi  †ivW (3q Zjv),

(B‡ËdvK  †gv‡oi  cwð‡g  Ges  ózwWI  27-Gi  mv‡_)

gwZwSj,  XvKv|

                                                †dvb t +880-01916038527

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We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, and decrease of goods, life and fruits. Give glad tidings to the patient,  who, in adversity say: 'We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. '

On those will be prayers and mercy from their Lord, those are guided.  [Al  Quran : 2.155-157]


Attachment(s) from Bashir Mahmud Ellias

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Tell me whyyyy....?


Ramadhan - Lessons From The Son

One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people can be.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "It was great, Dad." "Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked. "Oh Yeah" said the son.

"So what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.

The son answered, "I saw that we have one dog and they had four.

We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.

We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.

Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.

We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.

We buy our food, but they grow theirs.

We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them. "

With this the boy's father was speechless.

Then his son added, "Thanks dad for showing me how ungrateful we truly are"

You can't buy any of these things. You can have all the material possessions you can imagine, provisions for the future, etc., but if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing!
Too many times we forget what we have and concentrate on what we don't have.

The Prophet said;
Richness does not lie in the abundance of (worldly) goods but richness is the richness of the soul (heart, self).
[Sahih al-Bukhari, Muslim 5:2287]

If one is satisfied with small provision from Allah, Allah will be satisfied with a few good deeds from him

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

[ Noakhali Online Group ] Fw: DAILY RAMADAAN DOA DAY 1 TO 30


--- On Wed, 26/8/09, Dhaka University Alumni Association <> wrote:

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Ramadan Doa: DAY 1

ALLAH, on this day make my fasts the fasts of those who fast (sincerely), and my standing up in prayer of those who stand up in prayer (obediently), awaken me in it from the sleep of the heedless, and forgive me my sins , O God of the worlds, and forgive me, O one who forgives the sinners.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 2

ALLAH, on this day, take me closer towards Your pleasure, keep me away from Your anger and punishment, grant me the opportunity to recite Your verses (of the Qur'an), by Your mercy, O the most Merciful.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 3

ALLAH, on this day, grant me wisdom and awareness, keep me away from foolishness and pretension, grant me a share in every blessing You send down, by You generosity, O the most Generous.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 4

ALLAH, on this day, strengthen me in carrying out Your commands, let me taste the sweetness of Your remembrance, grant me, through Your graciousness, that I give thanks to You. Protect me, with Your protection and cover, O the most discerning of those who see.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 5

ALLAH, on this day, place me among those who seek forgiveness. Place me among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place me among Your close friends, by Your kindness, O the most Merciful.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 6

ALLAH, on this day, do not let me abase myself by incurring Your disobedience, and do not strike me with the whip of Your punishment, keep me away from the causes of Your anger, by and Your power, O the ultimate wish of those who desire.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 7


ALLAH, on this day, help me with its fasts and prayers, and keep me away from mistakes and sins of the day, grant me that I remember You continuously through the day, by Your assistance, O the Guide of those who stray.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 8


ALLAH, on this day, let me have mercy on the orphans, and feed [the hungry], and spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded, O the shelter of the hopeful.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 9


ALLAH, on this day, grant me a share from Your mercy which is wide, guide me towards Your shining proofs, lead me to Your all encompassing pleasure, by Your love, O the hope of the desirous.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 10

ALLAH, on this day, make me, among those who rely on You, from those who You consider successful, and place me among those who are near to you, by Your favor, O goal of the seekers.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 11


ALLAH, on this day, make me love goodness, and dislike corruption and disobedience, bar me from anger and the fire [of Hell], by Your help, O the helper of those who seek help


Ramadan Doa: DAY 12

ALLAH, on this day, beautify me with covering and chastity, cover me with the clothes of contentment and chastity, let me adhere to justice and fairness, and keep me safe from all that I fear, by Your protection, O the protector of the frightened.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 13


ALLAH, on this day, purify me from un-cleanliness and dirt, make me patient over events that are decreed, grant me the ability to be pious, and keep company with the good, by Your help, O the beloved of the destitute.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 14

ALLAH, on this day, do not condemn me for slips, make me decrease mistakes and errors, do not make me a target for afflictions and troubles, by Your honor, O the honor of the Muslims.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 15





Ramadan Doa: DAY 16


ALLAH, on this day, grant me compatibility with the good, keep me away from patching up with the evil, lead me in it, by Your mercy, to the permanent abode, by Your God ship, O the God of the worlds.



Ramadan Doa: DAY 17

ALLAH, on this day, guide me towards righteous actions, fulfill my needs and hopes, O One who does not need explanations nor questions, O One who knows what is in the chests of the (people of the) world. Bless Muhammad and his family, the Pure.



Ramadan Doa: DAY 18


ALLAH, on this day, make me love goodness, and dislike corruption and disobedience, bar me from anger and the fire [of Hell], by Your help, O the helper of those who seek help.



Ramadan Doa: DAY 19

ALLAH, on this day, multiply for me its blessings, and ease my path towards its bounties, do not deprive me of the acceptance of its good deeds, O the Guide towards the clear truth.



Ramadan Doa: DAY 20


ALLAH, on this day, open for me the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from me, help me to recite the Qur'an, O the One who sends down tranquility into the hearts of believers.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 21

ALLAH, on this day, show me the way to win Your pleasure, do not let Shaytan have a means over me, make Paradise an abode and a resting place for me, O the One who fulfills the requests of the needy.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 22

ALLAH, on this day, open for me the doors of Your Grace, send down on me its blessings, help me towards the causes of Your mercy, and give me a place in the comforts of Paradise, O the one who answers the call of the distressed.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 23


ALLAH, on this day, wash away my sins, purify me from all flaws, examine my heart with (for) the piety of the hearts, O One who overlooks the shortcomings of the sinners.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 24

ALLAH, on this day, I ask You for what pleases You, and I seek refuge in You from what displeases You, I ask You to grant me the opportunity to obey You and not disobey You, O One who is generous with those who ask


Ramadan Doa: DAY 25


ALLAH, on this day, make me among those who love Your friends, and hate Your enemies, following the way of Your last Prophet, O the Guardian of the hearts of the Prophets.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 26


ALLAH, on this day, make my efforts worthy of appreciation, and my sins forgiven, my deeds accepted, my flaws concealed, O the best of those who hear.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 27

ALLAH, on this day, bestow on me the blessings of Laylatul Qadr, change my affairs from (being) difficult to (being) easy, accept my apologies, and decrease for me [my] sins and burdens, O the Compassionate with His righteous servants.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 28

ALLAH, on this day, grant me a share in its nawafil (recommended prayers), honor me by attending to my problems, make closer the means to approach You, from all the means, O One who is not preoccupied by the requests of the beseechers.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 29

O ALLAH, on this day, cover me with Your mercy, grant me in it success and protection, purify my heart from the darkness of false accusations, O the Merciful to His believing servants.


Ramadan Doa: DAY 30


O ALLAH, on this day, make my fasts worthy of appreciation and acceptance, according to what pleases You, and pleases the Messenger, the branches being strengthened by the roots, for the sake of our leader, Muhammad, and his purified family. Praise be to ALLAH, the Lord of the worlds.


Thank you once again for your patience.

Raquibuddin Ahmed
Secretary General
Dhaka University Alumni Association
Mobile: 01678-138078, 01711048882, E-mail:

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